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Teacher Beyond the Transmission

Teacher Beyond the Transmission of Knowledge

Teaching to the test at the expense of teaching to the heart is wrong and reduces education to a very superficial acquisition of knowledge and values. Standardized testing for measuring knowledge, skills and attitudes goes against learning styles and individual differences.

One of the most important rules of teaching is to preach by example. Are all faculty in teacher preparation programs practicing what they preach?

Education is to mould the human being for ongoing change and for the eventual crisis that might arise as a result of the transition.

It is our believe that the aim of education should be to build in each student strong theoretical foundations, to help future teachers to be educated rather than trained, to be capable of understanding the complexities of the organic society  rather than just the reduction of people to human material

. We have always been uncomfortable with labels, recipes and linear models for preparing teachers at all levels. While we appreciate their need to develop and to learn teaching methodologies, we must always remember the dependent relationship between theory and praxis; both should be interrelated. There is no applied scientific discipline if there is no discipline to apply. In teacher education programs we often emphasize the learning of methodologies, content information and skills in detriment of what constitutes the core of education which is

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